Our Day- Monday February 2016

Welcome to February. With a new month we have a new Curriculum from CAC. The color of the month is Pink and we continue practicing letters, numbers and so much more.

Today we worked on feelings during pre school. The feelings of being happy, excited, mad, upset, frustrated etc, and how to deal with them. This is a difficult concept for 2.5 year olds (It can be at any age really). We practiced our daily Alphabet song and counting.  We worked with wooden puzzles, that are easy for little hands to grasps. They did really well. There was dancing and movement as well as relaxed time with books. Although, since I rearranged the Daycare room, so it is a large open set up, the kids would rather run, run, run.

We spent at least an hour outside after Pre school , even playing on the playground equipment because there is not too much snow left. The weather was in the 40’s and really nice.

Once the older kids got here from School they all painted beautiful, creative pictures. It doesn’t look like we will be able to go sledding on our kills until we get our next snow. Not that I am wishing for it.

Another great day.

Please feel free to comment on this post.

Our Day: Friday January 29 2016

The younger kids and I worked on several craft projects, as well as a new Letter, “N”.  Due to the weather being so cold they each made a Penguin, the kids had a big part in decorating them themselves. With the letter “N” we went over many words that begin with the letter/sound, including my name, as well as a Nest. That brings up another craft where they places eggs into a nest craft. We made pasta “N”ecklaces as well.  This was structured CAC pre school.

As always we continued to do play based learning.  We practiced our new letter whenever we saw anything that started with the “N” sound.  As well as black, from the Penguin, they sure know that color.

We had puzzles, games, movement, lunch, books, naps, outside play and more.


Another great day.

Please add any comments if you enjoy these posts.



Our day January 27, 2016

Unfortunately I still do not have the means to post photos, however, I would still like to keep parents informed about our days.

While the older children were in School, the little ones and I worked on colors, numbers, shapes, building, puzzles, coloring and more- We did it play based style.   Here the learning continues throughout the day. Any opportunity to teach/learn it not passed up. Then outside play for 30 minutes.

Following our daily schedule, we had lunch and the little ones went down for naps.

While they were napping I had a visitor. I had a meeting scheduled with Ashley from the 5021 program.  I was given the most current materials and a refresher course. It is a great program around nutrition, Screen time, activity etc.

When the older children came off the bus we were already outside waiting for them.  There was sledding (we have two great hills at my house). There was actual play on the play ground equipment, so the snow hasn’t buried them yet.

And that is just a quick summary, as it is not possible to list everything we did throughout the day.

“G” Goose/Goat- Outside fun

Today during the “Structured” part of Pre-School, we worked on the color Blue, and the letter “G”, Goose and Goat. The craft was a Goat. We spent most of the day outside playing and learning. A few of the kids especially liked to rake, then jump in the pile, as well as take down the Halloween decorations. There was also a fort that got a lot of attention. And so much more.

Another great day at Lil’ Caboose. Enjoy the photos. Please feel free to leave a comment, either here or on the post on Facebook. I love to read them.

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“Structured part of “Pre School”/ Outside Football tossing.

In our “Structured” portion of Pre-School we worked on the letter “F” and counting on Friday. Monday we continued with the letter “F” with a “F”ox. And learning other words that begin with the letter “F” by watching and listening to some pre-school Letter videos. Those really do help quite a bit. For example it helped the children to better understand the sound a Duck makes when they see it and hear it, instead of me attempting to make to correct sounds for all animals etc.  After we were done our fox project we moved on to an entirely different subject all together.  We worked on “Hot & Cold” and what items are which. We identified objects that were hot and some that were cold. Then the fun craft project we worked on was an Ice Cream “Cold” and a Fire “Hot”. The kids clued orange crinkled paper to the fire flames and added Sprinkles to the Ice Cream (the ones that didn’t go in their mouths.)

We played outside right after naps and had even more fun wen the school aged kids got off th buss. My daughter, Gorham’s newest football player, was playing with the kids and teaching them how to pass and catch the football.

Another great day here at Lil’ Caboose. I hope you enjoy these posts and pictures. If so, please leave comments.

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“Pre” Pre-School (2 days) Outside play

My two year olds do a “Structured” curriculum each day then continue learning throughout the day.  This is two days of them working on their projects. The first day we worked on the letter “E”, and made an “E”lephant project. They also worked on counting to two and did a Spider project with “Two” spiders on a web.  The second day we worked on sizes, Largest to Smallest. We did two papers on that subject. The kids did a great job, and used a large variety of colors. Even my littlest, who is one, does pre-school with us (sort of).

There is also outside play. We did the parachute, made a fort over the climber, rode bikes/Toys, even had a Soccer player and a very young photographer. Two of the little ones enjoyed looking at themselves in the mirror as well.

We used many skills, from fine motor to large motor, listening, following directions and Learning, importance of play-even in learning, arts and crafts and more.

Another great day (or two days).  I hope you enjoy the BLOG/photos. I would love any comments you have.

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Pre-School, Apple Picking, Outside

Monday in “Structured Pre School”, because as you know, we learn throughout the day as well, we talked about emotions and the many different ones. The two children did coloring pages, which turned into a book and we practiced the faces people might make when they are feeling a certain emotion.  We  went over “A”, “0” and “BLUE” since that is what we have been working on. The exercise for the day was “Twisting side to side”. Next, we went down back and went Apple Picking, Crabapples that is. “A” is the letter we have been working on so we kept repeating “A-Apple”. At first they were a bit nervous, I think because the apples were harder to pull off the tree then they may have thought. But they both did a great job of picking after they got the hang of it.  Once we had had enough of that, we stayed outside and played. I had gotten a new bike and they wanted to try it out.  Out came the parachute, which isn’t easy for two little ones. But they jumped on it, fell and laughed on it. Even ended up in a tug-of-war over it. And much more outside fun. When the older kids got off the bus, we headed back down for some more Apple picking.

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A couple days of Pre-school “A”, “BLUE”,”Beads”, “Lines” and more

We having be learning the letter “A” (Apple, Acorn, Ant). We have been learning the color “Blue” The shape of a “Circle” as well as tracing dots to make a line. A daily exercise, fine motor skill practice, adding beads to a string, and so much more.  Keep in mind these children are starting pre-school at two years old, not three when most kids start. They are getting a great start, and they do their very best, while having fun. They love, love, love making the craft that come with the curriculum, as well as ones I create. This is one of the most rewarding occupations when you watch children grown and learn before your eye.


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First day of School and Pre-School


Tuesday was the First day of school for my second Graders, Kindergartener and my pre- schoolers. I did my normal first day of school pictures and getting on the bus. It actually went very well. Once they were on the bus it was time to start our new pre-school Curriculum. This is specific for 2 year olds. We concentrate on certain letters, numbers and Color per month. September is A,B & C. 0 & 1. And the color BLUE. First day we went over a “Friendship Wreath”. It lists five toddler activities they can practice to be a good friend (sharing/hugs etc). Then the next step was to color in the hands that made the wreath, using many different colors. Also they did free coloring. As you know, we continue to learn throughout the day. Next was playing. Then our normal days routines. Later in the day, we waited for the other kiddos to return back from school on the bus. Then the tents came out and everyone played in those.

Another great day at Lil’ Caboose. Enjoy the pictures.

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February School Vacation Wednesday 18th 2015

Today was filled with lots of fun. My daughters joined the Daycare for awhile to play games with the kids. My oldest daughter gave airplane rides with her knees and feet. She also did a “hair Salon” and a Disney music dance party.  My younger daughter was a “Teacher” and did really well helping the kids with letters and counting.  She also played barbies and house with the kids for some time. The kids love it when they come down. A variety of toys/items were used, as well, today.  Quite a bit of imaginary play went on.

Another great day. Enjoy the pictures. Some really cute ones.

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