Learning about “W” and lots of fun. May 9 and 10, 2024

Hello Parents,
These pictures are “Mostly” of the older kids as we were doing structured learning time on Wednesday. We practiced the letter “W”. We had coloring pages for a Whale, Worm & a Watermelon. The worm and Watermelon were also crafts, as you will see in the photos (and you have them now). The exercises were running, planks and push-ups. The kids did a great job with them. We talked about all the words we could find that began with the “W’ sound. We talked about “wood, water, and more”.

After some fun learning activities this morning, somehow, I became a piggy back ride. The kids really had fun doing that. I’ll feel it later, haha. Some photos are of one of my littles who is moving up to table food and learning to feed himself and ones of my other cuties while they were enjoying lunch and just some random pictures of my non-nappers playing. There are a few from the time we spent outside, in between rain, even a couple where we were all, including Seamus, waiting in the play house for the rain to stop.

More great days! I hope you enjoy the photos.


May 6 & 7 2024

Hello Parents,
Monday was filled with fun. We played some games while we were waiting to go outside. The kids wanted to go out at 7:30 AM but that was just a bit early. We had three cute little super stars though. Outside was the same fun they have every day with the exception that we had some visitors. One of my prior familys came to visit. They were with me for many years, until they aged out a couple years ago. Chris, Theo & Evie. These kids have grown so much. The daycare kids loved watching Theo hitting the ball into the circle. And Evie loves little kids so she helped push them on the swings, did the sea saw and more. The kids didn’t feel like being too photogenic but there are still some cute shots.
Tuesday was another day spent outside. One of my 3 year olds, “P” is doing so well with her pumping on the swings. We got a new play toy. A T-pee with camping supplies, the kids loved it. Our newest crawler is now all over the place, including in the sandbox.
Two more great days. I hope you enjoy seeing what your child is doing while they are here with us.


“V”/Bounce house/Fun and games

Wednesday during structured learning time we worked on the letter “V”. The kids traced the letter “V” paper several times, colored a Van worksheet and a Volcano paper. The also made a sparkling sign for kindness and a “V”ulture craft with feathers. Our exercises for the morning were running in place and planks, which they did a great job with. The weather was rainy so we broke out the bounce house so that they kids could release some energy. Two of my older kids played ring around the rosie. In the afternoon we did make it outside. More of the same usual play equipment, sandbox, swing, jump ropes, kitchen play, t-ball and more.

Another great day! I hope you enjoy seeing some of what your little ones did while they were here.

Outdoor fun April 30, 2024

Hello Parents,

On Tuesday the weather was iffy. I gave the kids the choice between doing our structured learning activities/crafts or going outside before it rained. I am sure you figured out which one they chose. Typical outdoor play but the big hit was the bubble blower and “Building” a house. As you will see Seamus was pretty persistent about having his ball thrown for him, he even joined us in the Sandbox with his ball. There are a series of photos that show “E” with Seamus. That is because Seamus switched balls and “E” had it. The dog would not take the ball from him, he wanted it to be thrown. The sandbox and swings are popular every day. A lot of food being served in our many kitchen areas.

Another great day. I hope you enjoy seeing what your child did while they were here. (Sorry there aren’t more photos of the younger ones but they were napping both times we were outside morning & afternoon)


Inside/Outside fun/New sandbox April 29, 2024

Hello Parents,

Today was so nice out that we spent the entire day, minus naps, outside. There was so much going on that I can’t begin to explain everything. But I think most of you can tell what is happening. Like the process of one of my littles trying to get his hat off. And the reason for the photos of the sandbox is because we just built that this morning! The bubble lawn mower was a huge hit as always.

I hope you enjoy seeing what your child(ren) did today.  Another great day!


School time and outdoor fun April 24, 2024

Today during structured learning time, we were pretty busy, but it was fun. We went over the letter “U” and what sound it makes, then the kids had a “U” craft with rice and google eyes. We spent quite a bit of time learning about Full & Empty. We had a couple papers to show the difference, but I wanted it to be more hands on. I had the kids take empty buckets and put Legos in them until they thought they were full. They loved that game and wanted to play it several times. We had a paper about emotions that we talked about and the kids did  well noticing the differences in the facial expression and what each one meant. Finally, we worked on the color yellow. The kids glued a duck onto a paper and colored it yellow. Then we took yellow beads and necklace string to make necklaces. Each child put their own beads on the string to make their necklace. They were so proud of themselves and so was I. The exercises for the day were the plank, the yoga back stretch and running in place.

Outside play was great as usual. Our two walkers are getting better every day. Our crawler prefers to crawl inside and not so much outside. The two new walkers are now climbing the small slide as well. One of the littler boys has been learning how to throw the dogs, Seamus, ball for him. Most of you have seen Seamus likes to play Soccer.

Another great day. I hope you enjoy the photos of what your child does when you are at work.  


Outside fun April 22 & 23, 2024

Hello Parents
So much going on in these pictures. I now have 2 walkers and a crawler and they are on the move. They all have been experimenting with all the things they couldn’t get to before. We spent as much time as possible outdoors. The darker pictures were taken during nap time so they didn’t come out as well. If I used the flash it just brightened people out.
I think for the most part you can figure out what is happening in these photos. If you are wondering, just ask me.

Another great day. I hope you all enjoy the photos.


Rain, Apples and outside fun April 17, 2024

Hello Parents,

Wednesday we did some structured learning time. We talked about for lack of a better word, we learned about the life cycle of an apple as well as discussing where rain comes from and how it is created. The poses were, running in place and a nice yoga stretch.

Then it was time to play outside.

Another great day. I hope you enjoy the photos.
