Spin Art Turkeys

This craft was a lot of fun.  It took us two days to complete it because of the drying time.  We used a salad spinner, paint, card stock, toilet paper rolls and face decorations.  First we cut a piece of card stock in a circle to fit into the salad spinner. Then the kids added the colors that they wanted (paint was placed in the middle fo the card stock).   Next they spun the paint very fast so the paint would spread out to the sides.  Once done spinning, that spin art was set aside to dry.  Meanwhile we painted the toilet paper rolls Brown and cut out the face decorations.  Once the spin art pictures were dry we folded them in half to make the turkey feathers (I cut a slit on two sides of the toilet paper roll to slide the “feathers” into).  The faces were added with glue and there you have our Spin Art Turkey.


Free Painting

This morning I asked the kids what they wanted to do.  A couple responsed with “paint”.   We didn’t have any planned activity as far as painting so it was just free painting.  I gave them a plate with all sorts of colors of paint and they just painted away.  It became rather amusing for me.  A couple of the kids were very serious about their paintings, whiles others went from painting with their brushes to finger painting to full hand painting, as you can see.  I enjoyed seeing them do this.  We discussed the colors of paint they were using, and holding the paint brush worked on their motor skills.


Apple Art

   Today we had more fun with Paint.   Just Red this time.  I was given the idea to do Apple/Star painting.  So we took a white piece of paper, some apples cut in half to show the star inside.  Then we painted the apples and placed them on the white paper. (The stars didnt show up as well on the paper as I had hoped, I think the cutting had something to so with that).  As our snack this morning we ate the rest of the Apple halves.  As you will see one of my little ones couldn’t wait for the clean Apples so she attempted to bite the one that she had painted.  I caught her just in time, as I was taking her picture.  She did manage to wear the paint on her face though.   The kids had a lot of fun making these and asked if they will be able to take them home today.


Painted Feet Ghosts

Today we had some fun with Paint, black contruction paper, glue and google eyes.  We made Ghosts out of our foot prints.  The kids sat in a chair and I painted their feet with white paint. Then I picked them up and placed them onto the black contruction paper layed on the floor, then lifted them back up again. After the foot prints dried we glued on Google eyes to create Ghosts.